Hi welcome to the PGTS web site I am an ex British army tank commander who also happens to be a qualified Visual Basic programmer and I am the author and sole owner of PGTS.
WHAT IS PGTSA number of years ago whilst posted to Bosnia I was struck by the fact there was no way for troops to do gunnery simulation whilst in the field. However as most people seemed to have computers and I wondered if it would be possible to design a Challenger 1 simulator that would run on a standard PC. That's how I struck on the idea of PGTS. What started as a simple idea soon got to be quite a challenging project as you will see if you use PGTS there is an awful lot involved in simulating a challenger tank static firing at a ranges. It is designed to simulate as accurately as possible firing on a challenger1 tank to find out more and download the trial click here or on the links below. To find out more about the challenger1 tank click here
Contact InformationIf you like PGTS and would like the full version or to pass on any comments suggestions etc then feel free to contact me via the details below